Understanding The Benefits Of Antioxidants

Understanding The Benefits Of Antioxidants

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With researchers continuing to wage war on cancers and other serious illness, the ways in which we can prevent as well as treat these maladies has become paramount in their efforts. While scientists strive to find effective cures for disease, they work just as hard to develop concise information on prevention. In so doing, experts turn to the role our diets play in our continued health. Subsequently, the benefits of antioxidants take center stage in a myriad of preventative functions.

Research has shown that the benefits of antioxidants include the prevention and slowing of cancers, the prevention of heart disease and overall health of the body due to an incredibly bolstered immune system.

Most experts agree that a daily integration of those foods high in antioxidants will go a long way to helping the body fight off illness. It has been shown that most cancers are linked to free radicals those molecules in the body that have been compromised by poor diet or environmental factors and subsequently lose an electron. These rebel molecules look to their healthy counterparts to replace their missing electrons what begins, in essence, a battle of free radicals on healthy cells. This, according to experts, is the beginning of cancer.

The benefits of antioxidants include the ability of these substances to work on the side of healthy cells bolstering the bodys immune system and allowing it to fight against free radicals. The reinforcement of the immune system also works to strengthen all body functions preventing everything from heart disease to the common cold.

A variety of foods contain the benefits of antioxidants including fruits such as watermelon and blueberries, green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, tomato and tomato products, and even red wine and dark chocolate.

Introducing these complex and beneficial nutrients will arm the human body with the tools necessary to protect health. To truly understand the benefits of antioxidants and identify the foods that contain them, its best to work with your doctor to set goals and lay out a plan. Before long you will be doing all that you can to ensure yourself a lifetime of health.

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